joy - p 23

Have fun - create joy for yourself and others

What are your favorite things to do? If you had any trouble at all coming up with several things that you really like doing, then please take a few minutes and think of all that you do or have done and pick things that you like doing. Do that now. Imagine how much fun these activities are. Pick one. Do that now.

Many of us are busy. You may work full time and raise a family. It’s hard to find time to do what you really like doing. When was the last time you got to do one of those activities that you really enjoy? How much time in the last week, or the last month even, did you spend doing something you really enjoy? For most people it’s precious little. Was it a few hours? A few hours in a week doing something you really enjoy. Is that enough? Life is a gift from God. God wants you to have fun and be happy. God wants you to have fun and be happy most of the time. Make time to do what you like.

How to have more fun

It’s your privilege and responsibility to put God’s plan into action for you. No one can force you to have fun. You are responsible for helping God to help you. It’s about your attitude on life and living. Think about your favorite things. What makes them fun? Is it the way you feel when your doing it? Is it a team sport? Is it the opportunity to be quiet and enjoy your surroundings without external demands on your time? Different people enjoy different things. What’s important for you is, “What do you enjoy?” Identify what makes something special and fun for you and then make more of your life do that for you.

Fun in what you do

We all have things we must do. By changing your attitude and looking for joy in what you have to do, you will have more fun. Maybe reading is your thing. Maybe curling up in a chair and immersing yourself in a book gives you a feeling of involvement and adventure. You can get more involved and adventurous with your every day “have to” life if you try. You change your attitude and outlook on the things you have to do. You use life, everyday life, as an opportunity to be all that you can be. The more you do what you “have to do” with the same feeling and emotional well being that doing your favorite things give you, the more you get to do your favorite things.

Try this:

Change your attitude with frequent mini-prayers. Next time you’re doing the dishes or shoveling the walk or cleaning up after your family or doing that report that the boss wants; the next time you’re doing something you “have to do” and you’re not having fun, change your attitude. Stop for a moment, make a prayer, ask God for a favorite thing feeling. Say out loud, “I am peaceful and energized.” Smile to yourself, even a forced smile. Do you feel better? Are you having more fun?

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